by Saizverdoux

HIRU, «three» – KI, «formed by»

Meaning in geometry: «triangle»

In architecture, the work of drawing facades has generated ornamental elements that have defined, over the centuries, the different architectural styles. The reflection of the sun on these ornamental elements causes a play of lights and shadows which gives the impression that they are moving throughout the day.

Like facades, pavements are also light receivers and receptacles.

The HIRUKI project pursues to add an architectural dimension to the floor by achieving space and movement coming out from the pavement surface.

Like a mirror of water that generates movement under the cradle of the air as it becomes a wave, HIRUKI wants to emphasize the emotion that arises in the passage from stillness to movement. The dance of shadow and light, born when the sun caresses the pavement, forms an indivisible duo, dancing in slow progression, which lasts until the end of the day.

HIRUKI consists of four unique pieces that constitute a logical succession in the metamorphosis of its triangular shapes.

The project focuses on everything related to the weave of each tile: the combination of colors, the space and the relief that emerges from it.

Different compositions emerge from a serial system composed of geometric elements, proposing new planes and speeds.

HIRUKI calls upon the power of abstraction and the infinite resources of the imagination.

In architecture, the work of drawing facades has generated ornamental elements that have defined, over the centuries, the different architectural styles. The reflection of the sun on these ornamental elements causes a play of lights and shadows which gives the impression that they are moving throughout the day.

Like facades, pavements are also light receivers and receptacles.

The HIRUKI project pursues to add an architectural dimension to the floor by achieving space and movement coming out from the pavement surface.

Like a mirror of water that generates movement under the cradle of the air as it becomes a wave, HIRUKI wants to emphasize the emotion that arises in the passage from stillness to movement. The dance of shadow and light, born when the sun caresses the pavement, forms an indivisible duo, dancing in slow progression, which lasts until the end of the day.

HIRUKI consists of four unique pieces that constitute a logical succession in the metamorphosis of its triangular shapes.

The project focuses on everything related to the weave of each tile: the combination of colors, the space and the relief that emerges from it.

Different compositions emerge from a serial system composed of geometric elements, proposing new planes and speeds.

HIRUKI calls upon the power of abstraction and the infinite resources of the imagination.

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HIRUKI: “The furtive illusion of a dazzling relief full of chiaroscuro”

Alejandro Saiz & Marianne Verdoux

HIRUKI compositions


HIRUKI in our workshop



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